Sunday, October 06, 2013

Declare and Demonstrate

A few weeks ago, on a Monday morning I was listening to a sermon given at The Village Church called "Church Planters".

Matt Chandler spoke and then passed the mic on to two church planters who were sharing about why they were planters and what was happening in each of their "projects". 

I've never been a part of a church plant, but it is my prayer that SOMEDAY that is exactly what I'll be doing.
One of the men who spoke was Blake Chilton and he said something that I haven't been able to shake.

It went something like this, "We have been called to declare the Gospel with our mouth and demonstrate it with our life."

There is that CALL again. 
Every time I come across God's delight in helping me to see and hear the good news of His holiness and saving grace, it is quickly followed up with His delight in the overflow that is declaring and demonstrating that Gospel.

Planters or everyday Christians...Male or female...Young or old...

God has a PLAN for us. Whatever work we find ourselves occupied with we are here for ONE reason. 

We are here to HEAR and to SEE God and to help those around us by DECLARING to them the truth and DEMONSTRATING for them what it looks like lived out in our everyday lives. 

Are you excited? 

Click ^^^ to see a list of all the posts in this series.


  1. Yes! I am excited. Our sermon today was about belief vs. faith....quite a good one!

  2. I was a part of a church plant - and it really was an absolute amazing time! :)
    ps LOVE your new circle picture! :)


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