Monday, October 07, 2013

Longing for More

Yesterday, I wrote about how we are here to DECLARE and DEMONSTRATE the good news of the Gospel.

After listening to ND Wilson's message at the Desiring God National Conference, I was reminded of something that makes this NEED even more real to me. 

You see, there are other versions of supposed "good news" being spread. I'm going to be really blunt here. These other versions are straight LIES. 

The worst part is, they are lies that WE believe. 

Wilson said, "Every effective lie appeals to man with a false gospel release. A release from your guilt, a release from your burdens..." 

Look around you, our souls are LONGING for more and all around us are OFFERS to satisfy that longing.

There is a battle going on.

If your soul has been satisfied in God, it is your JOY to share that satisfaction you have found with others. 

Today, OBSERVE some false offers, some of the lies, that are being spread as versions of "good news". 

I apologize if it makes you feel discouraged...

Remember, THAT place of discouragement is where your soul dwelt before God came in.

 Realize that that dark place is where the majority of the souls around us spend their entire LIVES. 

This is bad news. 

Click ^^^ for a list of all the posts in this series.

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