Monday, March 10, 2014

The Scenic Route: Sunshine and Rain

This weekend began and ended with sunshine. It got up to about 64 degrees and as usual I was soooo tempted to begin working in the flower beds. 

With a little sickness going around the house, I ended up spending a lot of time reading aloud. We finished one of my favorite books called "Stepping on the Cracks" and moved on to its sequel. 

There was also a little bit of rummicube and discovering a new tv series (I think it's called Vera). 

 Saturday was filled with rain and with that came some time to read my first novel of 2014. I'll be posting about this before the month is over, so stay tuned! I'm about half way through and I can't wait to discover how everything will turn out!

Julie and I visited for a good long while when I returned some books at the library. We talked about books that we've enjoyed and just caught up on life in general.

Sunday was very restful. This winter I've gotten into the perfect Sunday routine...This one happened to include the perfect cup of chai with a shot of coffee and some extra quiet time.

To be honest, the whole weekend kind of felt like one long "patio moment"!

I took this last picture this morning. As I write this post, the birds are singing and the rain may or may not continue. I'm off to spend the afternoon working at the coffee shop!

How does the weather affect your weekend? 
What happened wherever you found yourself? 

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