Monday, June 09, 2014

Summer Is

May 23, 2013
It's June. People are graduating and getting married and starting jobs and planning vacations. Soon schools will be empty while parks and pools will be buzzing with families who are excited to just be together.

Summer is so very many kinds of wonderful. It's the season that most of us find easy to praise God for giving us.

Summer is beach towels hanging to dry after long days spent in the sun by the water.

Summer is shopping carts loaded with chips and buns and melons in preparation for cook outs with friends.

Summer is Sunday afternoons spent lounging around in the shade or napping in air conditioned houses.

Summer is for adventures and memories and vacations. Everything just feels different during the three months that come right in the middle of the year.

Two months from now most of us will be celebrating the fact that fall is o the way in. We'll be looking forward to fires and football and sweaters and routine.

May we really enjoy the fact that right now, summer IS.

May the tanned skinned, the yard games, the sound of lawn mowers, the freckles, and the ice in our drinks remind us to use these slower months as a time to reflect on the LIFE that God gives to His people.

What are some ways that you would finish the sentence that begins with: Summer is... ?

1 comment:

  1. What a great post that reminds us to truly enjoy all that today is and all that summer is, too. I'm trying to really and truly get the most out of my last few days with the preschoolers and while summer is literally at my fingertips, it's made this season truly bittersweet knowing that I've only got a very short time with the kids. :)

    Oh, and chips and buns and watermelon? YUM! :)


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