Friday, June 13, 2014

What I Learned in May

May 18, 2014
May 5, 2014

May 11, 2014

May was such a good month this year! There was a lot of sunshine. Most everything in my gardens came right back to life. We celebrated my sister's 16th birthday. Mother's Day went perfectly with an awesome brunch and then a trip to see The Wizard of Oz. I started walking more just because I have the time for it. We made our first trip to the ranch for 2104 and I got a weekend with Heidi and her family. I've been reading books with my brother and sister and May's pick was The Westing Game. We read the book, attempted to solve the mystery, and then watched the movie.

There's the recap for you! And now...As for what I learned in May.

* I learned that I want and need to really WRITE...After not writing from my heart for a while and then picking it back up, I was reminded how nice it is. Those posts are the reason that I started this blog.

* I learned that EB White wrote more than children's books and I am excited to dig in. I can't remember how I originally found this out...But over the last month I've read  his essays "Here is New York", "Farewell to the Model T", and "From Sea to Shining Sea". On Wednesday I discovered two more titles by him at the library. I'm saving them for this fall...But, his was the first chapter book I ever read and I'm excited to learn from him!

* Thanks to The Westing Game, I learned to spell guarantee and restaurant and I can also pronounce restauranteur without too much trouble. 

* I learned that R. Kelly is my Mom's age. Mind = blown! In my head he is like perpetually 30....Turns out, he's aging just like the rest of us. Imagine that!

* I learned that Blue Raspberry Lemonade Kool Aid reminds me of summer and the last day of 2nd Grade. I had some on the 16th and immediately I got all nostalgic. You see...It was the last day of 2nd Grade and the cafeteria was decorated with all things ocean. My Mom was dishing out blue Kool Aid from a fish bowl with plastic fish frozen in ice floating in it and I decided that it was my favorite Kool Aid ever. Turns out that 17 years later that blue Kool Aid still tastes like summer in a glass!

* I also learned not to talk to strangers in the McDonald's play area. I now have a Grandpa's phone number and the invitation to go square dancing anytime....WHY am I so friendly? You're welcome for the laugh!

What did YOU learn in May?

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