Monday, December 22, 2014

What I Learned in November

November 27, 2014

Miracle on 34th Street is ALSO a book.

Book clubs on Good Reads are a great idea!

Shopping by myself is not TERRIBLE, but I really do hate it.

First novels CAN be wonderful. Leave it to Madeleine L'Engle to teach me this lesson with her very own first novel, "The Small Rain".

It is both OKAY and AMAZING to bust out Christmas early. This year, I pulled out the music and movies on November 1st and I decorated two whole days BEFORE Thanksgiving.

My Grandma used to sing this song called "We Need a Little Christmas", but I had forgotten all about that song until I heard it on Pandora. It's a favorite once again!

Frozen turkeys are injected with a bunch of salt. This means that when you brine a frozen turkey you can and should use way less salt. After several years of SUPER salty gravy, this year's brine led to the perfect gravy. This year we used 1/4 cup of kosher salt even though our recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of kosher salt.

What did you learn in November?

PS - I'm taking the rest of the week off!
May you all have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!


  1. I love that song. A good book is always a great way to spend a day...or a week. ;)

  2. That boys are wired differently than girls. :) It's a good idea to buy Christmas presents early instead of waiting until the last minute.

  3. I didn't know Miracle on 34th Street was also a book! My husband and I try to read the book over the movie...right now we're reading The Wizard of Oz. We'll have to add 34th Street to our list!

    In November, I still learning ;) trust in God's will for our family and to be grateful for everything, even the small stuff. Merry Christmas! -Jess /

  4. Ewww on the frozen turkey thing - although that makes so much sense!

    And I didn't know Goodreads had book clubs. I'm off to check that out! Happy Christmas to you; hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday!

  5. That's a really great tip about the turkey! I'll have to keep that in mind...although my parents are always in charge of making the turkey. :) I'm right there with you on the shopping! I hate to go by myself. I'd much rather bring Lamar with me for company. Hehe.

    Thanks for linking up and I hope you're having a lovely Christmas holiday!


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