Friday, December 19, 2014

Affogato Share This With You

I'm pretty sure that I first heard about affogatos last fall...And last winter I promised to tell you about them, but then affogato I forgot!

It turns out that they are slightly strange, but also really, really yummy! Saying "affogato" is an added bonus.

The possibilities are endless. Basically you just combine your favorite coffee with your favorite ice cream. There's even room for toppings if that's your thing.

For me, the perfect affogato consists of one scoop of peppermint ice cream topped with regular old black coffee.

 Scoop your ice cream into a mug. Add however much you like!

Pour hot coffee over your ice cream. 

I take my time drinking these because as the ice cream melts, the coffee gets sweeter and creamier and colder.

serves 1
one scoop of your favorite ice cream
12oz. hot coffee
Place scoop of ice cream into a mug. 
Pour hot coffee over your ice cream.
Drink immediately!

Have you had an affogato before? 

What elements will you bring together when you make yours? 


  1. ummmm stop.
    this looks absolutely delicious!

  2. sounds sooo amazing. Going to this over the weekend. And just saying "affogato" is gonna make it that much more fun! ;)

  3. That actually does look really good, but sadly I don't like coffee so I don't know if I would like it. But if I did, this would be great! I love peppermint ice cream.

  4. I never heard of this before. Hmm..I may have to try this.


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