Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 In God's Word

Last week I mentioned "The Glory of God in the Good Resolves of His People" by John Piper, if you haven't listened to it yet, I really think you should!

One of the points that Piper brought up was the importance of regular Bible reading. We are really good at letting Bible reading become an item on our to do list. We are even better at letting Bible reading become an item on our I really need to work on this list....May 2015 be a year of resolving to guard against that!

When Stephanie decided to read through the Bible this year, she also decided to invite others to join her. I'm excited to join her and several others in reading the Bible and chatting about it too!

I've decided to continue working my way through the Bible chronologically. My goal is to read about an hour a day at least four times each week. This reading time will be in addition to my regular time of study.

I'm writing today to invite you to join us. Ligonier has all kinds of great plans complete with printables that you can choose from.

Choose a plan, write a post, and come join us over at Stephanie's blog!


  1. Being in His Word is always good.

  2. I am following She Reads Truth bible in a year plan and so far it's been nothing short of amazing!

  3. I've always been a bit afraid of the "Read the Bible in a Year" plans, because I like studying slowly and digging deeper into certain verses, but I love how you said that the reading will be in addition to your regular time of study. I think it's such a good idea…to read the bible for the sake of having your head and heart in it, and also to study deeper! I feel like I could actually do that :-)


I love hearing from you! Please be sure to leave your e-mail so that I can reply. :)