Monday, January 19, 2015

On Monday I...

December 19, 2014

I should be ready to start sharing actual posts about our trip south...but I'm not. It's Monday and it feels like Monday. On Monday I wash all the towels. On Monday I try to pull myself together for the week ahead. On every Monday in January, I watch the latest Downton Abbey episode.

On this particular Monday I'm supposed to take Joe to town and I have TWO google hangout sessions planned. Oh, and I'm making beef stew for dinner.

So, I'm off to tackle this Monday. It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I can't help thinking about him and the generations that have spanned between us. He wasn't perfect, but I've always admired him very much. He stood up for something and got others to stand with him.

That's really something. 

What do you do on Monday?

I'd love to hear your favorite MLK quote! 

And...Let's talk Downton!!! What are your thoughts this season? I have SOOO many!


  1. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at time so challenge and controversy." MLK

    I still need to watch the second episode. I'm so behind.

  2. And for some reason I thought you lived in the south.

  3. Funny you mention Downton! I'm watching the last episode of season 4 right now!

  4. Ahh, I haven't seen any season 5 of Downton. I gotta catch up so we can discuss!!

    And I also use Monday as a weekly preparation day. Although, I'm not feeling ready for this week...haha.

  5. My Monday's sound similar to yours (Minus Downton, I didn't get to watch the first few episodes so now I have to wait for season 5 on Amazon)...getting my head back in the game after a weekend off is always hard.

  6. Yay for being one of your Google hangouts! :-) It was so nice to "meet" you!

  7. I've only watched the first Downton so I'm a bit behind... I need to work on that today! :)

  8. Sounds like you have a pretty busy Monday! Hope you had a great MLK Day!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm sooo behind on Downton! I need to catch up so we can talk about it!


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