Thursday, January 08, 2015

Currently pt. 9

I wrote this post on Wednesday morning, and I just want to leave it the way that it was when I wrote it even though I didn't get it published on time! 

July 10, 2014

Today marks the last day of our vacation in the south! EARLY tomorrow morning we'll be boarding a plane. I'm having all kinds of thoughts about all of these goodbyes.

Our trip has been nothing short of AMAZING. It was the first time in nearly 20 years that I got to see almost all of my Mom's family at Christmas. I'm hoping it's not the last of its kind! With 17 cousins, it's hard to know where we'll all end up, but it'd be great if the get togethers continue.

Once I get my pictures downloaded, I'll be sure to share at least some of the details with you all! In the meantime, let's talk about what's CURRENTLY going on.

* * * * *

planning - My brother will be 15 in exactly one week!!! I'm grateful for such a big occasion because getting back into the swing of things might just take me a little while.

hoping - That 2015 is a great year and that big things happen before too much longer. This trip has really shown me how much I miss the South and all of my PEOPLE down here. In a lot of ways, I feel like I missed out on a lot over the years, but I'm also realizing that I'd really like to jump back in.

baking - Since December 15, I made exactly one pot of chili, one batch of cornbread, and four batches of sausage gravy...I helped other people make things, but mostly I've been on KP. My first task will be whatever dessert my brother chooses for his birthday. I'm also going to make sugar cookies since I didn't get to do Christmas ones this year. :)

wearing - This trip has been all kinds of relaxing. I've been wearing my favorite black house pants paired with long sleeve shirts. WA is in the depths of winter so I'm expecting to have to add a few more layers!

resolving - To dream and plan. The last few years have been all about trusting and waiting and resting...That will continue to a degree, but I think it's time to start going after things. Things won't be changing for a while, but I'm giving myself permission to think and to move along a bit.

I'm linking up with Jenna and Anne!


  1. Sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you could get together with your family this Christmas. I want some of that ice cream :)

  2. You must have been close! Sounds like you need to relocate to me. ;)

  3. Birthdays are my favorite so a special "Happy Birthday" to your brother! :] Do you have a favorite sugar cookie recipe? Can't wait to see what will happen for you in 2015!

  4. Go after it my friend. Praying for you and I'm glad you had a wonderful time.

  5. I typed a comment, and then it straight-up disappeared before I hit publish (at least I think) so hopefully this isn't a double! ANYWAY, I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip! I hope that 2015 brings great things for you :-)

  6. Sounds like a great holiday! And that photo is making me all kinds of nostalgic for summer - though in my opinion it's never too cold for ice cream :) Here's to 2015's dreams and plans... thanks for linking up!

  7. cornbread, chili, and gravy are some of my favorite things! :)
    i'm so glad you enjoyed your vaca, and i'm still so sad we weren't able to meet up. one day we will!!

  8. Sounds like such a wonderful time with family. I hope getting adjusted back to "normal" life has been going well!


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