Monday, January 05, 2015

One Word 2015

Jan. 1, 2015 - Photo Credit: My Brother

Reflecting on the year behind has looked a lot different this year. I spent the last bit of 2014 and the first bit of 2015 on the other side of the country...Even though the West Coast has been my home since shortly after my 5th birthday, the East Coast has always felt like "home". It has been really great to be surrounded by my aunts and uncles and cousins over the last few weeks.

I've kept wanting to pinch myself because the happiness has almost been overwhelming at times. Looking around and seeing all of the familiar faces has forced me to pause just to take it all in. These last few weeks have had me looking back on 2014 and WAY beyond.

These people know my story...They know where I come from, because they came from the same place! Reflecting on familiar things with other people is one of my favorite things to do.

I've been kicking around a lot of words for 2015 and I haven't decided on one yet. Here's the list so far:

* Dream - This trip made me realize how important it is to me to get back down here. I think it was the moment I totally lost it as I was standing on my Uncle George's front porch for the first time in 13 years...

* Reach - A move might not happen for a few few years, but I really do want to start figuring out what it will take to make it work and more importantly, how I can get the rest of my family to move too!

* Breathe - I'm really good at holding my breath in hesitation. I want 2015 to be a year of less hesitating.

There have been a few other words, but I can't think of them this morning...

The point is, I want to continue trusting in God and looking to Him for direction. We may not be here long, but there is a lot to take in while we are. May 2015 be a year of being sure in God and not being paralyzed by fear or anxiety.

What's your word for 2015?


  1. less hesitating is a good goal! :) i need to do that too!

    and i would be totally cool if you move back down here eventually!! :) just sayin!

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Builder!! My husband and I came up for our theme this year (it's on the blog if you want to read it!) and we want to be builders in our community and in our church family. We want to build upon the foundation that we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and hope to uplift others while we are at it!

  3. No regrets. That's two words but I want to enjoy life and remember that the Lord is in every detail. I can trust Him and He has always been faithful.

  4. I didn't choose a word this year. Usually I realize what it is by June. ;)

  5. wow your word breathe and meaning is fantastic. that struck a cord for me when you put it like that because it's something i do sometimes too! Mine is Rest - resting in God's word more!

  6. My word this year is content. I realized that I spent a lot of time in 2014 wishing I had other things and being jealous of people who had things I didn't. I don't want to do that this year. I want to be content where God has me and be thankful in all things.

  7. i love that you choose more than one word...and then explain why that word is so important to you! <3
    breathe - yes sister, a.m.e.n.

  8. AH, I love these words!! I didn't choose one this year, but now I wish I had!

  9. I'm so glad you have had the opportunity to spend so much time with family. I hope that a move does happen for you in the smoothest way!


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