Friday, October 16, 2015

Ask & Answer pt. 6

September 30, 2015

These posts are a great way for us to get to know each other better! You guys always come up with great questions...I can't wait to hear your answers in the comments! Here are mine:

What are you working on currently?

The thing that has been weighing on my mind the most is getting this blog back up and running. After taking things REALLY slow the last few months, I know I need to do better! This list of resolves has also been something I've been going over.

What is your favorite food?

I think I answer this question differently every time I come across it...Today I'm going to go with hamburgers. It's my default when I go out to eat and it's also the thing I crave most alllll summer long. 

Of all the things that you are into, are there any that caught you by surprise? 

I wrote about it last fall, but I've developed a love for poetry which is something I never thought would happen.

What are five things that are bringing you joy right now?

Opening the curtains first thing in the morning, the colors of fall against the blue sky, getting to know people through our church and the play my brother and sister are in, a few minutes in the afternoon sunshine, evenings at home (though they are few and far between).

Be sure to share your answers to each of these questions!!! Feel free to leave me more questions for next time. I keep a list going, so leave them in a comment or email them to me whenever you think of them!


  1. I hear you on hamburgers. They are often my default when I go out to eat too!

  2. what a fun post idea!! i love opening my curtains in the morning, too--the whole room suddenly feels open and ready to start the day. is that weird? haha also i'm excited to read your future posts, but taking it slow is worth it too :)

  3. Totally agree - fall colors against the pretty dark blue Fall sky is so perfect. Why is the sky such a pretty color in the Fall?? Always gorgeous. What a fun post idea!! Hope you had a great weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  4. I love opening the curtains first thing in the morning too! :)


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