Tuesday, December 08, 2015

DIY Advent Calendar

In case you didn't already know it, I am NOT a crafty person. When I did my student teaching, Mrs. J told me that I really needed to overcome my weaknesses and learn to incorporate songs and crafts into my lessons. Every now and then, the voice of Mrs. J (and the knowledge that my Mom, sister, or friend Heidi will come to my rescue if my genius idea doesn't pan out) inspires me to pull out the crafting supplies and create something...Every now and then, everything turns out exactly as I hoped it would.

Last Friday when God brought my plans for Advent into existence, I attempted to make myself a calendar using things that I already had on hand. Since we've been living without 90% of our belongings for the last few months, my options were super limited. It's not Martha Stewart and it's received a few laughs, but it works and it makes me happy every single time I see it.

Let's get started!!!

For this project, you will need:

paper - I used newspaper because we happen to have a bunch of it
a sharpie
a hole punch
a needle with a large eye (optional)
painters tape - I'm sure you have some other kind of adhesive on hand though

Begin by choosing the sections of newspaper that you will use. I looked for pieces that were heavy with printed text, a few bold headlines, and I made sure that both sides appealed to me. Use your scissors to cut them into any shape. I went with rectangles, but this is YOUR calendar.

Next, use your sharpie to label each shape with a large number which will correspond to each day leading up to Christmas. Some people count down, but I always count up for some reason. Again, this is YOUR project.

Punch a hole near the center of the top of each shape.  I used a three hole punch, but if you've got a single hole punch, I have a feeling that will go a lot faster!

Cut two lengths of yarn and thread one length into the needle. String the numbered shapes onto the string so that they are in order. Repeat with second length and the remaining shapes.

Use your painters tape to secure your banners in a place where you will be sure to see them throughout the day. If you want to, you can cut out an extra piece of newspaper and write down some words that summarize your focus this Advent season.

There you have it!!!

I plan to gently tear off each day's numbered shape and use a dark pen to write a few short words or a Scripture that summarize what I learned that day. I love having a calendar on the wall because it helps me to build excitement for the days to come, it's a visible reminder of what I have learned, and it pushes me to do the study each day.

Whether you have fancy supplies, or odds and ends that really aren't all that fantastic, I do hope that you can create something to add to your Advent celebration! It's never too late to give your soul time to prepare for the hope that the first coming of our Savior brought or for the joy that His second coming will bring!!!!

What's your favorite DIY of this Christmas season? 


  1. Great way to use what you have on hand. I like that you'll fill the day after it's happened. It stresses me to no end to plan Advent activities with my kids. It was never my strong point.

  2. It looks great! I think it's creative :) I bought cards from Naptime Diaries for our advent calendar because I think they're really pretty :)

  3. this is a neat idea! and then you can keep what you wrote on each page to maybe read next year?! :)

  4. what a simple, God-focused way to count down to Christmas! I LOVE this!


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