Thursday, March 02, 2017

2017 Reading Challenge

I never intended to become a book blogger and I still don't, but you can continue to expect a handful of book related posts each month. Between gaining access to larger libraries, joining goodreads, and deciding to participate in numerous reading challenges I have turned into quite the reader. I've always loved books. I've always been the kind of person who chats books with anyone who is up for it. Now, I can honestly say that I'm EXCITED about reading.

As I looked through various reading challenges for 2017, none of them appealed to me. That's when I decided to come up with my own.

My 2017 Reading Challenge is to: read one book a month that I choose simply by looking at the cover. It doesn't matter where the book comes from, but I need to know next to nothing about it. My plan is to take myself to the library near the beginning of each month to browse until something catches my eye.

I designed this challenge because as much as I enjoy planning ahead in my reading life, I also really enjoy the seasons where I just read what looks or sounds good at that moment. I've gotten away from that kind of reading and this challenge will ensure that at least one book a month will be selected in this way. Even if my reading is planned, my 2017 reading challenge will force me to fly by the seat of my pants at some point each month.

I'm looking forward to posting about my progress as the year goes on. I usually wait until the end of the year to do a recap, but I'm thinking that I might dedicate one post to each book. In the meantime, you're invited to join me in my challenge!

Now for some printables:

Click HERE for a bookmark (set your printer to 3.5in x 7in paper and then trim it down to size).

Click HERE for a page you can paste into your bullet journal. 

If those links give you trouble, click HERE.

Happy reading!

Have you ever done a reading challenge before?

Are you going to join in on this one?

1 comment:

  1. "I never thought I'd become a book blogger" HAHAHA good one! I'm dying. You are such a GOOD book blogger!!!!


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