Friday, March 02, 2018

Back Again

March 30, 2017

It's been a while. Somehow, it's already March. I've been hanging on tight to that word I chose for 2018 and kicking around a few others. I wrote about two of them and the others will probably make their way into posts before too long. I've been coming face to face with the work of the Holy Spirit everywhere I turn. Not just in theory, but in the doctrine of WHAT that work is and what real evidence of it looks like. I've been reading less again and writing more. I'm still walking every chance I get and doing my best to stay in touch with friends who are far away. I might have finally come to the end of my "I can't get enough TV" phase thanks to watching an entire season of a show by watching a few episodes everyday after work last week.

Last night, I dreamed that someone was at my house and I realized they were wearing my slippers. And it really bothered me. To the point where I was like, "Okay, excuse me. TAKE MY SLIPPERS OFF. What were you thinking?" I've been trying to think through the parts of who I am that need some intentional work. Apparently I'm stubborn and territorial and lately I've been tempted to let the way things are make me angry. This little post isn't the place to go into that, but pay attention to your mind at rest...It can help you get to the bottom of things!

One of the words that's been on my mind lately is the word sturdy. I ran across it somewhere, wrote it down, and have been thinking about what it takes to BE that and what it looks like when it can be said of you. For one thing, it makes you sure and brave and gives you an endurance that you can't summon on your own. I'm pro at chickening out...At being afraid and letting that fear keep me from even TRYING something. There are always so many opportunities in front of us. We don't have to attempt everything, but it's important that we don't hide away. I want to be sturdy and it takes one thing, namely, staying close to God and being led by His Spirit. This verse from Acts says it all. When you fear Him and are comforted by His Spirit, there's a lot less wrestling with yourself and with the people around you and with what you should do in light of what's right in from of you.

Those three paragraphs have taken me a long time to write. Not because they were especially hard to string together, but because coming back always seems to hold a certain pressure. I wrote them and I'm going to hit publish...Do me a favor and tell me what's been on your mind lately and what you've been up to and what you're working on? I'd love to hear about it!

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