My last post was September 6th. Seeing that it is now October 20th, I think this has been the longest my blog has ever gone between postings. It feels like a long time to me anyways.
Life has been new for me over the last few months. I was not going to write about it. I was going to continue to the blog as if everything was the same.
God is working in my life as usual. But I cannot tell you all that has been happening without clueing you in.
Here goes...
On August 20th, I boarded an airplane with my dad. We headed across the country to meet the people who make up a church whose school I would be interning at. I have come to the place in my studies with Whitefield College that requires me to spend time observing, assisting, and being mentored by an experienced teacher.
So, here I am, two months later. Over the last two months I have met quite a few people. Most everyone has been extremely kind. They have offered me a place to live and lives to be a part of. I have truly seen the grace of God at work as complete strangers treat me as one of their own.
During September, I was mainly in a kindergarten classroom. I got to help a teacher who is in what I believe to be her 31st school year. She is has an amazing ability to help little children transition into a highly disciplined environment. She is always ready with a smile, a kind word, a firm hand, and much wisdom. I'll talk more about what I learned in kindergarten another day!
During September I also saw God in new ways. As you know, I had a rough summer. Looking back on it, that sounds ridiculous. I actually had a wonderful summer. Unfortunately, I allowed times of great prosperity and comfort to come between myself and God. I failed to sit at His feet each day. Before I knew it, I was overwhelmed with my sin. Through the month of August I repented of my neglect. I asked God to bring me back to the place where He truly was my All in All.
Right before I left home, the book of Ruth was laid on my heart. So, when I got here, I began reading it. Each week I read the whole book and listened to one sermon in a preaching series by John Piper. By the end of September I felt refreshed and renewed. Along with all that I learned in Ruth, the church I am now attending was just finishing up a journey through the book of Hebrews. In case you don't know, Hebrews is basically warnings to Christians against backsliding. That means, I desperately needed to hear it!
In October I have been going through First and Second Peter. I used some of the money people sent me for my birthday to order some books that I have been wanting to read for a while. Oddly enough, they all deal with the Gospel.
Before this year even began, I knew that I was mainly going to be touched by who God is and what that means to me.
This year is almost over and I have truly seen that God is:
........I look forward to learning more about God FOREVER!!!
Victoria--it's so great to hear more about what's going on in your life right now! I can't wait for more updates! And isn't the Lord so faithful to pull us back to Him? His patience is overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteI also can't wait to hear your millions of stories of adorable kindergartners, for I know you must have some good ones! (-:
Oh Victoria, my dear friend, I'm SO thrilled that you're growing ever closer with our Savior!! Forever....what a marvelous reality! We get to marvel at Jesus FOREVER!!! Be ever blessed my friend!