Okay, so I just wanted to let you all know that I do have more posts on discipline coming.
It's just a matter of taking the time to put them together for you to read!
I'll probably get it done sometime this week or perhaps this weekend.
Really though, them not being posted is a sign that I'm putting into practice the very disciplines I'm getting ready to tell you about!
In the meantime I wanted to share somethings I've been happy about lately!
- Navy Blue

- Sunshine - this has been the warmest, snowless, sunshiniest winter we've ever had and I'm loving it! Every day is like perpetual fall and yet a glimpse of spring.
- Friends - I've had more opportunities than usual to gather with other Christians.
- Progress - I've been moving right along in school. Learning so much and getting excited about all that lies ahead.
- God - I've been reminded of trusting Him day-by-day! The planner in me finds this difficult sometimes, but God has been showing me that the Holy Spirit does indeed make it possible to "wait and see".
- Jane Austen - We've been enjoying tons of movie versions of her books this "winter". One day, I'll actually take the time to read them...but for now the movie versions are enjoyable!
Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice!
Philippians 4:4