Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Lens Revolution: Creating Depth

This week's assignment focuses on creating depth in our photos. Samantha pointed out four key ways to do this: include foreground, look for leading lines, shoot in portrait, and look for overlapping. 

I took my camera out into my backyard to get some shots, but then I remembered some really great shots I took on a vacation we took last summer! I'll save the backyard shots for another day.

With the exception of the very first picture in this post, all shots were taken with my Canon Rebel XTi which was equipped with the kit lens. The first shot was taken with my point and shoot camera which is a Canon SX110.

This week's assignment reminded me that including foreground is the most confusing way for me to create depth. Unless it gets in there on accident, the foreground generally looks like it should be cropped out in my shots! My favorite ways to create depth are to make sure the shot includes the mood of the sky or to use lines that show just what is really going on.

Some of these photos originally appeared in this post and I really can't pick a favorite!

Be sure to check Samantha's blog for the next assignment

The Lens Revolution at Through * For * By:

Week Three: Understanding Lighting (n/a)
Week Four: Tri-Pod Selfies (n/a)
Week Five: Composition 


  1. I feel the same way about foreground objects very often! I'm trying to embrace them more. Lately I've especially enjoyed using a really low aperture to achieve a very shallow depth of field and including foreground objects (although blurry because of the aperture) to show the depth there.

  2. Ah! I love the first one! Wowza! so beautiful!

  3. I do a lot of portrait photography and I have to tell you, creating depth is vital in those photos! It's such a good thing to master (I'm still learning myself!). :)


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