I'm joining Julie of A Hopeful Hood to kick off her brand new link up. The main goal of this one (which will be held on the last Thursday of every month) is to give bloggers a chance to get to know and support one another by sharing posts featuring open letters.
Your letters can be anything you want them to be. They can be addressed to someone you know, love, and appreciate. They can feature your thoughts on some current events issue. They could even be sent to your teller at the bank or that stranger you saw when you were out grabbing coffee. Whatever the case, write them, post them, and then link them up!
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Dear Sweet Old Couple,
You don't know it, but you pretty much made my Mom's day when we were all out shopping yesterday. We saw you hunting for a parking spot and the way you both reacted when my Mom offered you ours was something that kept us smiling all the way home. May something as simple as a good parking spot bring me as much joy as it brought the two of you!
Dear Summer,
I'm starting to really wonder what you're going to hold this year. I expect you to be unlike any summer I've ever known and if I'm honest, I'm not sure how to feel about that. I'm looking forward to the best bits and trusting God with the rest. There's no room for disappointment because whatever you hold passed through His hands. I hope I'm ready!
Dear Sister of Mine,
You are going to be 18 in just THREE days!!!! I'm stoked and shocked and sooo many other feelings all at the same time. I saw a little girl wearing an oversized t-shirt as a dress the other day. She was dancing and hopping and "sweeping" the sidewalk without a care in the world. From a distance, she looked just like you when you were that size. As I watched her, I went right back to the days when you were that little girl. Those were sweet days and somehow, they ebbed and flowed and brought us all to where we are today. Days are like that. They turn into years before we know it and we nearly forget them until something as simple as a little girl reminds us. 18 is almost here. I know there is so much going on. You are brave and thoughtful and determined. My advice to you is this: In the years to come, the best and most important thing you can do is to put God first. Cling to Him. Cling to His Word. And make sure that your hope is in Him. Thanks for being that little girl and growing into the young woman that you continue to become. I love you!
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Now it's your turn!
The Rules Are Simple:
1. Add a link to any post in the form of a letter.
2. Comment on the post right before yours.
3. Link back to your hosts.
The whole point of this link-up is to form community and meet some new bloggers, so don't drop your link and run! Any unrelated posts will be removed from the link-up.
Julie is currently looking for future co-hosts! Be sure to drop her an email and let her know if you are interested.